Welcome to the discussion of the module that received the most votes. Let’s talk about the appearance of the module, the feature set, and the implementation details.
Direct approach might look like this:
Dip switch to set the custom scale, by choosing which notes to use, one by one, that way you would be able to use literally any possible non-microtonal scale
With all dip switches on - would be chromatic quantization.
Downside is, that in this case scale is hardly controllable by CV.
- Something to transpose.
Transposing even by half a step with a set of dip switches might require to change a lot of toggle states, therefore I assume there should be something separate to transpose root note of the scale, so it would be one action to convert C minor to C# minor, instead of toggling 5 switches.
- Leds to show which note is played and a color defines if it was seriously transposed (let’s say for more than 0.4 step)
Another approach might be a way to choose scale with CV, but I cannot yet imagine a way having all possible scales, so with this approach it would be probably limited to “minor, major, pentatonic” kind of things. On a bright side, it could allow to choose scales from some kind of a preconfigured preset list in automated way.
Yet another idea woud be to implement playing arpeggio within predefined scale starting with a CV provided note. (Probably it is out of scope for the quantizer though, but as soon as we already have configured the scale, arpeggiating within the scale might be cool and somewhat natural)
We could define arpeggio type with external sequencer or lfo for basic up-down arp.
In other words - it would be nice to give module some note, and it would play meaningful arpeggios withing the same scale.
I imagine it as we have two inputs, one for starting note of the arpegio within scale (probably coming from keyboard), and another one for choosing number of the note within scale relative to the starting note.
Still thinking about details here, this arpeggio idea is half-baked, to be honest.
Something jazzy would be usefull addition to the list, I guess. Since jazz scales used in edm
Transposing could be done on the analog side: subtract a “transpose voltage” at the input and add the same voltage to the output.
Looking at different Eurorack quantizers, I found two that are small but offer enough options for most applications. Maybe those can inspire you for the module?
- 2HP Tune
- Erica Synths Pico Quant
I dig the dipswitch idea plus transpose.