Mixer + 3×VCA

The mixer/VCA module consists of three VCAs, each with a pair of inputs, a control input, a gain knob, and an output. Additionally, all VCA outputs are summed, and the total is sent to a master output.

By applying a negative voltage to the control input, you can invert the phase of the signal. This allows each channel to function as a ring modulator.

Image of the latest released version of the module. This is not the final product, development is in progress.


Known issues:

  • VCA/control inputs is not implemented
  • per-channel outputs invert signal phase and has no control
  • update pcb outline and color marking is needed
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Is there going to be cv inputs to control the vca/mixer module? When i tend to think of a vca theres typically voltage control. If not is there going to be a dedicated vca with cv inputs on release?

Sure! mixer is going to have 3 channels controlled by voltage!


yes, we will add CV. Here is latest and not release version, I will add more info about changes we plan to implement before release.


Im probably more excited for this module than i should be. Its a great example of a dual use module and a very useful one being that, seeing as you can never have enough vcas and mixers in your system haha

Module description was updated!


Mixer, 3x vca and 3x inverter now im getting even more excited for this module than i probably should be :rofl:

Hi can the mixer module be made as an optional add-on on Kickstarter? Would love to explore feeding multiple VCOs into one effects chain (unless there is a way that I am missing out by looking at the module pictures)

After the campaign, we plan to launch a store where your Kickstarter orders will already be integrated. There, you will be able to add any modules to your order according to your preference and arrange for delivery.

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