Rack Device (portable chassis compatible with Eurorack system)

Rack chassis is used to replace breadboard: it contains two lines for placement the modules, Eurorack chassis mount holes, power supply: barrel jack and type-C, and Eurorack 10-pin power.

rack_top (2)

rack_bottom (2)


You might want to publish mechanical specs for it; some people might want to make a frame/box/any other enclosure.

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I’d be happy to make also one for the AE modular!


How many HP is the chassis?

rack device, that we’ve presented at SUPERBOOTH this year is 42. We’ve made major changes to the next version and it’s going to be narrower, 33 at the moment.

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Make it 32 so it fits in my 4ms Pod. :grinning:

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I think we can use saw to fit the size and make custom one for you)

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Last update to the size was back in July. We still sitting at 33 HP or has that adjusted?

Also… please keep the memes.


We are not planning another changes to size, so yes, 33HP.